
Show Notes

What is the hidden grief in YOUR life? You may not even be aware that you have such a thing. So I am excited to have my guest, Katie Rossler, to take a deep dive into this, in this episode. Katie is an expat, wife, mom of three, and loves to be by the water to relax.

She is also author, transformative grief guide and licensed counselor with 13 years of experience helping individuals, couples, and families. She recently released her first book - The New Face of Grief - which she wrote to help people understand that now is the time to change how we understand grief and learn how to identify and heal hidden grief in our lives -  that, when ignored, can lead to addiction, disconnection from loved ones, and increased stress. I hope you are as excited as I am to listen to a fresh look at grief from this perspective - thanks for listening and my wish is that your own journey with grief be one that is filled with love, hope and happiness. 


You don’t want to miss:

  • How to recognise your hidden grief
  • How to integrate grief as a natural part of your life
  • The different ways personality types grieve

PLUS, get her FREE natural remedies resource: 30 Ways to Support You in Your Grief


Links and resources:


Katie's links

Website: www.katierossler.com

Book website: www.thenewfaceofgrief.com

IG: https://www.instagram.com/katie.rossler


Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my weekly interviews and resources.

And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review? Thanks!

Thanks, Gabe Dovaston for the great music! www.themusicacademypapamoa.com



"…positives and negatives, things that add to our life, things that take away, are all part of growth." ~ Katie Rossler


Do you need help to shift your heartache, grief, guilt, anger, anxiety, dread, despair?

I help people all over the world shift negative energies that are holding them back from being able to live a happy, fulfilling life. I became certified in this field of energy healing because it changed my life in ways I could never imagine after I lost my beautiful Tahl. And I am no different from you. So if you would like to know more let's connect over a FREE 15-30 minute introductory chat to discover how it could help you 💜

https://healing2bu.as.me/PodcastFreeSession   I look forward to connecting with you!


Please SHARE if you know of anyone who can benefit from having some HOPE in their life today 💜💜

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