
Show Notes

Courage. Hope. And Inspiration. Attributes most of us desire.

It's also the acronym for Pratibha Dey's YouTube show - Chai Together.

Overcoming numerous adversities herself, Pratibha's show is inspired by her mother's Schizophrenia diagnosis and her own journey of resiliency. It is unashamedly open and honest. I wanted to chat with Pratibha today about the myriad of grief she has experienced - primarily with growing up with a mum with schizophrenia - who wasn't like other mums - the grief of not often having the support of family, her foray into homelessness, plus the grief of child loss. Through all of this, she has managed to work out who she is, how that fits in with others, and to find her own path to success.

A visionary, author, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and teacher with a background in Interpersonal Communication and Education, Pratibha is a passionate advocate for the mental health and wellbeing of women, children, and the elderly.


You don’t want to miss:

  • The effects of a mum who was never emotionally there for her
  • How hitting rock bottom at 26 and making one of the toughest decisions changed her life
  • Her journey to becoming resilient

PLUS, the healing that came through showcasing her solo journey online


Please note -  today's episode sensitive contains information about mental health, suicide, and abortion. Listener discretion is advised and please reach out for support from family, friends, or your local grief support agencies if you are triggered by any of the topics discussed.


Links and resources:


Pratibha's links

Website: www.pratibhadey.com

Facebook: https://bit.ly/3HhD8pa

IG: https://bit.ly/3AKRr2V

LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3r7Dau5

YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/3rl2Vrb


Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my weekly interviews and resources.

And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review? Thanks!

Thanks, Gabe Dovaston for the great music! www.themusicacademypapamoa.com



" I have to remind myself that it's a journey and it's a long one and it's a hard one, but it's a journey and I'm gonna get there." ~ Pratibha Dey



Do you need help to shift your heartache, grief, guilt, anger, anxiety, dread, or despair?

I help people all over the world shift negative energies that are holding them back from being able to live a happy, fulfilling life. I became certified in this field of energy healing because it changed my life in ways I could never imagine after I lost my beautiful Tahl. And I am no different from you. So if you would like to know more let's connect over a FREE 15-30 minute introductory chat to discover how it could help you 💜

https://healing2bu.as.me/PodcastFreeSession   I look forward to connecting with you!


Please SHARE if you know of anyone who can benefit from having some HOPE in their life today 💜💜

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