
Show Notes

In this episode, we take a look at John T's experiences with loss, particularly with how he has dealt with the loss of his mum from the other side of the world with whom he had a really close relationship growing up. He talks about this and more in an open, pragmatic and heartfelt way. I hope you will get some great insights from this chat.

You don’t want to miss:

  • The value of not leaving things left unsaid!
  • Preparing for loss
  • How grief takes hold even when you're prepared

PLUS, how love and close bonds endure across the distance! 


Links and resources:

John's links:

Website: www.theparanormalson.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theparanormalson/

IG: https://www.instagram.com/the_paranormal_son/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ParanormalSon

John's podcast: https://play.acast.com/s/the-paranormal-son


Make sure you hit SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out on any of my weekly interviews and resources.

And, if you enjoyed this episode, please leave me a rating and a review? Thanks!

Thanks, Gabe Dovaston for the great music! www.themusicacademypapamoa.com

Are you ready to shift your heartache, grief, guilt, anger, anxiety, dread, despair?

I help people all over the world shift negative energies that are holding them back from being able to live a happy, fulfilling life. I became certified in this because it changed my life in ways I could never imagine. And I am no different from you. So if you would like to know more let's connect over a FREE 15-30 minute introductory chat to discover how it could help you 💜https://healing2bu.as.me/PodcastFreeSession   I look forward to connecting with you!


"So many people put on a face, put on a mask and they show the world, but actually don't be afraid to take that mask off and just be vulnerable and let people know that you're not coping and let them know that today's not a good day..." ~ John Tingley

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