Season 1

Monday, May 17, 2021 EP#12 - Signs from Our Loved Ones

Can you really connect with your loved one in spirit world? Well, yes you can. Clairvoyent Medium Rachel Wright has been doing this for people around...

Monday, May 10, 2021 EP#11 - Stop Hiding Start Healing

Shame. Guilt. Both are powerful emotions though it's shame that has the ability to take you on a journey into hell and leave you there. Today's guest ...

Monday, May 3, 2021 EP#10 - Turning Suicide Loss into a Mission

How does someone go from experiencing the suicide of a close family member at a time it wasn't widely talked about, to using that experience to fund a...

Monday, April 26, 2021 EP#9 - Grief flowing into Art

Sandra Sabene has facilitated thousands of inspiring events - all AFTER she lost her husband to cancer in 2000 when her boys were just 5 & 8. She had ...

Monday, April 19, 2021 EP#8 - Grief is Messy

When you experience loss, after loss, after loss, things can get messy - without you even realising. That's what happened with Amanda Ferrat, Founder...

Monday, April 12, 2021 EP#7 The Day of the Dead

Sometimes it is not until you lose someone special that you understand the significance of a celebration. This is what my guest, Jenny Marie, discove...

Monday, April 5, 2021 EP#6 - We dont get over loss

He suffered a loss that truly tests everything you believe in - the loss of a child. Hear how Jonathan Agin had a successful law business to finding ...

Monday, March 29, 2021 EP#5 - Hospice Doctor's Widow

As a hospice doctor, Bob cared daily for dying patients. At home, his wife, Jen, listened to the stories of patients and families, layering her unders...

Monday, March 22, 2021 EP#4 - a2z of navigating grief and trauma

What does one do after hopes, dreams, assumptions, and core beliefs have been shattered? In this episode, we are talking to an inspiring individual, S...

Monday, March 15, 2021 EP#3 - Hurt 2 Hope

How do you get knowledge that supersedes a degree and years of clinical practice? You meet excruciating pain and hopelessness face-to-face. This is wh...

Sunday, March 7, 2021 EP#2 - Surviving Suicide

What is it like for a family to be out-of-the-blue informed that their child has taken their life? In this episode, I speak to an incredible mum, Laur...

Sunday, March 7, 2021 EP#1 - Power of the Pen

You may question the value of writing when your brain feels like it is full of cotton wool and you can barely drag yourself out of bed! Yet, there i...


on 6/28/2024

I have had the most amazing experiences with Helen. She is so understanding, intuitive, and a beautiful channel for your upmost healing. Incredible.

on 4/12/2024

As a guest on this podcast, I was given the very rare opportunity to speak about the multiple losses that come after being open about abuses I endured in both childhood and my previous marriage. From ...

on 12/23/2023

Tonight i found your podcast via Erice Messer from Wolfies Wish, & dialogue was so engaging i decided to give Jennifer Moore a listen also, and Wowee! what a great podcast you are airing to look at th...

on 12/16/2023

The Beautiful Side of Grief is a breath of fresh air, taken in as you move into your new support-filled life through your rebuilding process in your grief journey and beyond. You will be filled with h...

on 12/8/2023

This is such an amazing show with a message needed for so many out there in the world. And I can't say enough great things about the host. There is so much grace there and the discussions are really m...

on 12/8/2023

Helen is a lovely and gracious host who asked thoughtful questions and led a really beautiful conversation.

on 12/8/2023

Helen is a heart-centered host on a powerful mission to help others feel seen, heard, loved and supported. Being a guest on "The Beautiful Side of Grief" was a transformative experience. The podcast m...

on 12/5/2023

Great host interviewer. Very caring , calm , and an informative podcast.

on 11/6/2023

Helen is doing a tremendous service to all those whose lives have been changed by the loss of a loved one. As a host, she is curious and compassionate, and she made me feel like I was sitting at her k...

on 11/3/2023

Helen does an amazing job as a host. She has on emotionally intelligent, interesting guests, and she brings the most out of them. Of course, her own story is catalyst for all her great work, and her o...

on 11/3/2023

Helen is a wonderful host and she is really helping humanity through diving into a painful part, grief, so that the human spirit can heal, thrive and flourish!

on 11/3/2023

Helen Morris is bringing forth well researched conversations creating comfort around a sensitive topic. She's growing a community of listeners supporting a transition to find beauty in what often is w...

on 11/3/2023

Helen is a great interviewer. She is real and honest and truly understands what we go through dealing with grief. I feel that I made a friend when listening to this podcast. The podcast is wonderful!

on 10/30/2023

I thoroughly enjoyed my interview with Helen. We were able to dive into grief and have a very heartfelt conversation.

on 10/28/2023

Such an honest and thoughtful conversation.

on 8/16/2023

Helen Morris has experienced the depths of grief only to dig deep and transform. The miracle is Helen didn’t sit in her tremendous loss and grief. She’s made a choice to step up, view her experience...

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on 6/22/2023

So often death is approached with a maudlin seriousness. Helen takes the topic of bereavement and grief and draws out the grace, meaning and blessings to be found in this potent subject. As a guest it...

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on 6/6/2023

Helen is a beautiful human being and amazing host. Her show brings life, energy, and hope for those that will suffer a gut punch in life…which is pretty much everyone!

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on 3/29/2023

Helen helps us all learn and reflect through her guests and her own grief journey. Thank you for sharing your beautiful, healing gifts and passion with the world.

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on 2/1/2023

Gentle yet expiring perspectives on healing through grief. Helen is a soul-searching and nourishing host.

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on 1/6/2023

I love this podcast because the conversations go beyond the usual grief questions and get to the nitty-gritty of grief and loss. Helen’s voice and the interactions she has with her guests are always t...

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on 12/31/2022

Helen is such a gracious host. She knows all the right questions to ask to bring the story out. Thank you Helen. K

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on 12/14/2022

I am so glad I came across this show! I’ve taken so many actionable and practical nuggets of advice to implement. Love tuning in!

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on 4/4/2022

Helen has her audience in mind as she leads her guests through her questions. We had a really good conversation! ✨

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on 3/15/2022

One of the most powerful and moving talks I've had while discussing the Cycle of Lives project was with Helen. Her unimaginable tragedy led to her forming a path of discovery and connection with peopl...

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on 12/21/2021

Such a great host with a beautiful soul! Thank you for creating space for people to hear others stories. We are not alone.

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on 5/5/2021

I really enjoyed Turning Suicide Loss into Grief …. I am off to listen the guest’s podcast The Mitlin Money Mindset as he was that GOOD!

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