
Show Notes

WooHoo! The Beautiful Side of Grief has hit 100 episodes!! I am so grateful to YOU for listening 🙏


And what better way to celebrate than to understand what your clutter is saying to you! Yes, your clutter talks. It tells the story of what you fear, what you're hiding, what you need to feel safe... And so much more.


Star Hansen is known as the Clutter Whisperer. Her approach is probably unlike  any you've seen or heard of before. It's compassionate. It's non-judgemental. It's real. And it works. Plus, you don't need to strive for a perfectly tidy house!


Star guides us through this episode revealing the little-known stuff that you need to understand about what your clutter is revealing to you. The stuff that is often hidden from you at a subconscious level, so you may spend many years blindly unaware of your clutter story. Though once you know you then have the power to finally start shifting that stuck energy!That's exciting!


In this episode I share some of my own struggles with clutter... Knowing how to deal with Tahl's possessions after she died. Staring at the unpacked boxes and not able to face them because of the memories they would bring to the surface. Plus how I felt about living with my mum's clutter as a child growing up and unable to do anything about it. I felt anxious, embarrassed, angry at my mum (sorry mum!) and helpless. I am sure I am not alone with these struggles.


This is a powerful episode! 


Star's Bio

Star Hansen is a Certified Professional Organizer (CPO©) and Clutter Whisperer

on a mission to help you banish your personal Clutter Monster, take control of

your stuff, and create a life you’re truly proud of. Star looks at the deeper meaning

of your stuff to help you figure out WHY you feel overwhelmed by your clutter in

the first place. Star’s best selling book, “Why the F*#@ Am I Still Not Organized?”,

has inspired countless individuals to tackle their clutter head-on and find lasting

solutions. She has appeared on over 30 TV shows, given a TEDx talk, and shared

her fitted sheet folding secrets with Oprah & her fans. Her unique methodology has

helped thousands of people get (and stay!) organized when nothing else worked.



Star shares the following:

[00:03:13] What Star shared with Oprah

[00:04:48] Sorting her grandpa's possessions changed her life

[00:07:50] What led to becoming an organizer

[00:10:53] Difference between clutter and hoarding

[00:13:02] When someone wants to get help for a person with their hoarding

[00:14:00] What NOT to tell someone who is struggling with clutter

[00:14:35] What to say

[00:16:00] Why she is a compassionate, non-judgmental organizer

[00:17:34] Why people have clutter around them

[00:21:29] Is conscious or subsconscious - what discovery questions reveal

[00:22:50] Seeing through the clutter

[00:25:43] What rooms represent

[00:25:43] When you are a mirror to behaviours

[00:31:15] What's stopping you getting organized

[00:33:56] Honouring your loved one

[00:38:34] Identifying our emotions - the list

[00:41:54] The flip side of clutter

[00:42:39] Helen's struggle of liviing with clutetr

[00:45:44] Generatonal healing

[00:46:27] The prep list to avoid distraction

[00:48:16] Maintaining the orde

[00:48:16] Everyone is an organizing genius

[00:51:37] Dealing with a loved one's possessions who has passed on

[00:55:51] What makes your book different

[00:57:29] Final questions - best thing that happened; what most grateful for; what to do

                 when you have moments not going so well




"The biggest thing that's stopping you from getting organized is the emotions - the overwhelm, the fear, the shame, the sadness, the grief." ~ Star Hansen





Star's links:

Website:   https://starhansen.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StarHansen/

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/starhansen

Twitter:     https://twitter.com/starhansen

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/star.hansen/

TikTok:     https://www.tiktok.com/@starhansen

Get a FREE copy of Star’s book, “Why the F*#@ Am I Still Not Organized?” at https://starhansen.com/podcast

Feelings list: https://starhansen.com/feelingslist

10 Steps to Get and Stay Organized (plus loads of other free resources): https://starhansen.com/2018-9-25-how-to-build-your-home-organizing-toolkit/

Take the Quiz: https://starhansen.com/monsterquiz



Follow me on:

Instagram:  https://instagram.com/beautifulsideofgrief

Facebook:  https://facebook.com/thebeautifulsideofgrief

Website:     https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com

Email:          thebeautifulsideofgrief@gmail.com


Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here:  https://thebeautifulsideofgrief.com/reviews/


And thanks, Gabe Dovaston for the great music! www.themusicacademypapamoa.com

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